My Traffic Tickets

Received a Traffic Ticket in Texas?

Fight it with Texas Top Traffic Ticket Lawyers!

tick-icon   97% Success Rate

tick-icon   No Points

tick-icon   Clean Driving Record

tick-icon  No Appearance in Texas Court (Most Cases)

tick-icon  Texas Ticket Dismissals

tick-icon  No Insurance Increases

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Fighting Your Traffic Tickets in Texas Will Never Get Easier Than This


It is no surprise that a traffic ticket is enough to put anyone in a state of worry, and not being able to know what is happening with your traffic ticket case only adds to it.

First, you should always remember that a traffic ticket is simply an allegation that a traffic offense occurred. Hence, signing the ticket does not mean that you are admitting guilt. Regardless whether you are guilty or not guilty, you have options other than to pay the ticket and have a conviction on your driving record. You always have the right to defend yourself or hire an experienced traffic ticket lawyer to fight your ticket on your behalf in order to keep a clean driving record. For more information about traffic ticket laws in Texas, you can visit
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Seeking help from an expert traffic ticket lawyer should be your first move once you decide to fight your traffic ticket. Having defeated more than 100,000 traffic tickets over the years, we – My Traffic Tickets have helped thousands of motorists in and around Texas charged with all kinds of traffic offenses. We can deal with traffic tickets including speeding tickets, accident tickets, stop sign tickets, no insurance tickets, suspended / no driver’s license, red light tickets, reckless driving, texting and driving, DUI/DWI, CDL traffic tickets, failure to appear warrants, and more.

We take great pride in providing top quality representation, doing everything we can to fight and achieve you a traffic ticket dismissal,

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